
LiFi ....its been quite long since we have come across this new science term and thanks to Harald Haas.. But the technology is much older, just what he did is he put his vision into it to take it much ahead.
If I am sounding bit confusing then please let me explain it to you in detail.
What LiFi is all about ?
Hmm.. in layman way I would say LiFi is a one word term for data transmission with light where there is no need of any specially designed channel or something like  Optical cables in case of OFC is required.
Now, as I told the technology is not new but yes Sir Herald has shown the true potential of it and it is everywhere. So, can just give yourself a little time to think a bit ....if you ever seen something where light is being used to transfer information ?
No.... then let me help you. You all must have seen a TV remote and what it does when you press a button of remote, channel changes. So, what's happening here ? The info of which button is being pressed is transmitted to TV with infra red rays emitted from an led present on your remote and this ray is received and processed inside the TV to decode that info.
What you just imagined about is LiFi, but it can be much much more. Imagine if you can build your own much bigger and even powerful transmitter, the one like TV remote but with large range and high speed and with connectivity to internet and imagine a receiver or more than one on other hand  receiving these information being transmitted .. this is future of LiFi.
But why LiFi if we already have WiFi.
The reasons are numerous but most simple and obvious one are....
1. It is more safe if hacking is considered. Anyone sitting outside your room can neither find the light you are using in the room as light can't pass through opaque objects nor there is any chance of network being hacked.
2. Its speed is much more than WiFi.
3. Less harmful and will provide a wide bandwidth for data transfer.

        Hey have you ever seen drivers using dippers in nights for communication, even it can be called LiFi, only difference is that here receivers are human not electronic machine. You see.. Its always there what it was need is a vision.
